
Chairman Message

Ms. Arpita Naskar

The Skill India Mission is one of the flagship initiatives of the Government of India, launched under the inspirational leadership of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. This mission aims to create a unified effort across sectors and states to empower our youth with the skills needed for the future. It is a movement that resonates deeply with our national goal of human development and socio-economic progress.

As part of this monumental mission, the National Council of Technology and Skill India (NCTSI) was established in Kolkata, West Bengal. In collaboration with various skill councils, NCTSI is dedicated to providing comprehensive skill development programs to those who need it most, especially the unemployed and underprivileged youth. Our objective is clear: to equip them with the right skills for employability and entrepreneurship. At NCTSI, we believe in the transformative power of education and skill development. We are committed to assisting our students not only in securing placements and career progression but also in fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship. By encouraging start-ups and providing an industry interface, we aim to identify and promote the skill sets that are most

relevant to today's and tomorrow's job markets. Our focus extends beyond just imparting technical skills. We aim to cultivate a holistic development approach that includes soft skills, critical thinking, and adaptability, which are essential in a rapidly changing global economy. By doing so, we are not only addressing the immediate needs of the job market but also preparing our youth to be future-ready leaders and innovators.

The collaboration with the Government of India and various industry partners ensures that our programs are aligned with national standards and industry requirements. This synergy is crucial for creating a workforce that is not only skilled but also adaptable to the evolving demands of the global economy.

In conclusion, NCTSI stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for our youth. We are dedicated to empowering them with the skills needed to build a better future for themselves and our nation. As we continue to work towards our mission, we invite you all to join us in this journey of transformation and growth.

Together, let us pave the way for a skilled, empowered, and prosperous India.

Warm regards,

Ms. Arpita Naskar - Chairman

National Council of Technology and Skill India (NCTSI)